Avatar Image of Mohit Singh

I'm Mohit Singh.
I live in India, where I break things & learn fast.

Hello, wonderful folks! 🎉 I'm a spirited Class 11 student who discovered the magic of coding back in Class 6. As a self-taught developer, I take pride in the fact that I've never purchased any courses to enhance my programming skills. I firmly believe in the art of exploration and learning through the vast sea of online resources – there's something uniquely rewarding about the journey of self-discovery in coding.

Right now, I'm doing this cool thing called the 100DayOfCodeChallenge. I'm focusing on getting really good at C++. Every day, I make a commitment to code, and honestly, it's super fun! 🚀

On my coding journey, here are a few key points:

  • Self-taught enthusiast: No courses, just a hunger for knowledge.
  • Engaged in the 100DayOfCodeChallenge to level up my C++ skills.
  • You can connect with me on Twitter, where I'm actively involved with some of the best developers in India. It's a fantastic platform that allows me to stay inspired, share my progress, and learn from the seasoned pros in the field.

  • Excited for the coding adventures that lie ahead! 🌟 Follow along as I share my journey and insights.

    Skills I have
    • Javascript
    • React
    • Next.js
    • Flask
    • Tailwind
    • PostgreSQL
    • Jupyter
    • Python
    • Firebase